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Marc Alberto

Euro-Caribbean sound+word artist Marc Alberto (they/them) performs and composes music for theatre, films and works as a musical dramaturgist, poet and artistic researcher. Their work and activism dismantle colonial structures, by any means necessary, but often through knowledge and with artisanship and radical vulnerability.

Their signature as performer is defined by minimalistic and deeply spiritual usage of their instruments, often saxophones, analog electronics and the voice.

M. is a co-curator and founder of poetry&music platform BYMEKAAR, a winner of a Queer & Feminist Poetry Award (2023), a core member of company NEW HEROES and queer collective BOYS WON'T BE BOYS. They are currently touring internationally with their trio: VEHICLE/PASSENGER (w. Florian Herzog & Lesley Mok), and artist PITOU.  They are set to release a new Live Album on 12" and publish a collection of poems, late June 2024


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